NAMS in collaboration with AIIMS Rishikesh organizes a Webinar on "National Deliberation On Front Of Package Labelling (FOPL)"- held on Friday, the 25th February, 2022 at Smt. Kamla Raheja Auditorium , NAMS House, Ansari Nagar, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi.

        WEBINAR- National Deliberation on Front of Package Labelling(FOAL)

NAMS Foundation Day Scientific Programme - held on Saturday, the 23rd October, 2021 at Smt. Kamla Raheja Auditorium , NAMS House, Ansari Nagar, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi.
Session-I ( 9.30- 10-30)
a. Dr. R.V.Rajam Oration; “END TB 2025: A mission to execute PM’s vision” Orator : Dr. Surya Kant, FAMS (
PDF File)
b. Achanta Lakshmipathi Oration; “The role of high-quality protein in the risk for low birth weight and early growth faltering in India” Orator : Dr. Anura V Kurpad, FAMS (PDF File)
c. Gender sensitive interventions: An overview by Piyali Mandal, AIIMS, New Delhi (PDF File)
Session-II Substance Use in Children & Adolescents
c. Pharmacotherapy of Substance Use Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Special considerationsby Ajeet Sidana, GMCH, Chandigarh (PDF File)
Session-III New Psychoactive Subtances
a. New Psychoactive Substances: Epidemiological and Clinical issues by Shubhangi Parkar, KEMH, Mumbai(PDF File)
Session-IV Behavioural Addictions
a. Behavioural Addictions: An overview of Assessment, classification and diagnosis by BN Subodh, PGIMER, Chandigarh (PDF File)
c. Behavioural Addictions: Psycho-social management approaches by Rachna Bhargava, AIIMS, New Delhi (PDF File)
NAMS and Department of Psychiatry & NDDTC, AIIMS, New Delhi - National CME on "Emerging Issues in Substance Use Disorders" held on Saturday, the 22nd JUly, 2017 at Smt. Kamla Raheja Auditorium and Prof. J.S. Bajaj Centre for Multi-professional Education, NAMS House, Ansari Nagar, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi.
Download [Scientific Programme Detail]

Session-I Substance Use in Women
a. Women and Substance Use: Epidemiological issues by Pratima Murthy, NIMHANS, Bengaluru (PDF File)
b. Substance Use and Female reproductive health by Smita Deshpande, RMLH, New Delhi (PDF File)
c. Gender sensitive interventions: An overview by Piyali Mandal, AIIMS, New Delhi (PDF File)
Session-II Substance Use in Children & Adolescents
c. Pharmacotherapy of Substance Use Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Special considerationsby Ajeet Sidana, GMCH, Chandigarh (PDF File)
Session-III New Psychoactive Subtances
a. New Psychoactive Substances: Epidemiological and Clinical issues by Shubhangi Parkar, KEMH, Mumbai(PDF File)
Session-IV Behavioural Addictions
a. Behavioural Addictions: An overview of Assessment, classification and diagnosis by BN Subodh, PGIMER, Chandigarh (PDF File)
c. Behavioural Addictions: Psycho-social management approaches by Rachna Bhargava, AIIMS, New Delhi (PDF File)
01. NAMS in collaboration with Delhi State Chapter of ISVIR organized "Interventional Radiology CME and Workshop - 2017" held on Sunday, the 5th February, 2017 at Smt. Kamla Raheja Auditorium and Prof J S Bajaj Centre for Multi-professional Education, NAMS House, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110029.
Download [Scientific Programme Detail], Download [Brochure (PDF File)]

Session-I Basics of IR Procedures (Part-I)
a. Tips and Tricks of biopsy by Dr. Abhay Kapoor (PDF File)
b. Drainage procedures by Dr. Pankaj Sharma (PDF File)
c. Catheters and wires by Dr. Vaibhav Jain (PDF File)
Session-II Basics of IR procedures (Part-II)
a. Overview of IR by Dr. G. Warawdekar (PDF File)
b. IR in visceral artery bleeding by Dr. Arun Gupta (PDF File)
c. Advances of Thermal abalation by Dr. Chandan J. Das (PDF File)
Session-III Current Status of IR procedures
a. Oncology IR procedures by Dr. Suyash Kulkarni
b. Venous IR procedures by Dr. Virender Sheorain (PDF File)
c. Peripheral Vascular Interventions by Dr. Vimal Someshwar
Session-IV Workshops & hands on demonstration
a. Embolizing agents by Dr. Ajit K. Yadav (PDF File)
b. TACE/TARE by Dr. Shivanand G. (PDF File)
c. TIPSS/DIPSS by Dr. Amar Mukund (PDF File)
d. Lumbar sympathectomy by Dr. Madhusudhan K.S. (PDF File)

Topics: Expectations of a citizen from healthcare providers and Role of Interventional Radiology as Minimally Invasive Treatment
Speakers: Padma Vibhushan Dr. Sonal Mansingh & Dr. Vimal Someshwar

02. NAMS-NFI Symposium on "Nutrition & Health Transition in India" held on 30th November, 2016 at Smt. Kamla Raheja Auditorium and Prof. J.S. Bajaj Centre for Multi-professional Education, NAMS House, Ansari Nagar, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi.
1. NAMS-NFI Symposium (2016) Invitation and Program Schedule (PDF File)
a. Setting up National Measurement Surveys: experience from CAB component of AHS by Rattan Chand (PDF File) (Inaguration & Video File)
b. Quality assurance in measurement surveys: experience from CAB component of AHS by Dr. Prema Ramachandran (PDF File) (Video File)
c. Changes in prevalence of anaemia in the last two decades: evidence from national surveys by Dr. K. Kalaivani (PDF File) (Video File)
d. Inter-state and inter-district variations in health and nutritional status in DLHS4 states by Dr. Ladu Singh (PDF File) (Video File)
e. Nutrition in Women and children: insights from NHFS 1,2,3 & 4 by Dr. F. Ram (Video File)
f. Changes in dietary intake, nutrition and health status: evidence from NNMB survey 1973-2012 by Dr. A. Laxmaiah (PDF File) (Video File)
g. Nutrition transition in preschool children: evidence from interstate differences in child nutrition seen in RSOC by Dr. Purnima Menon (PDF File) (Video File)
h. Role of national surveys in monitoring international frameworks: Learning Lessons from India's MDG experience by Mrs. Sunitha (PDF File) (Video File)
i. Setting national targets for SDG based on data from completed national surveys by Dr. Prema Ramachandran (PDF File) (Video File)

2. C. Ramachandran Memorial Lecture delivered on 29th November, 2016 on Multi-Pronged Strategy to combat Vitamin D deficiency in India by Maj. Gen. R K Marwaha (Retd.) (PDF File)

03. NAMSCON-2016: 56th Annual Conference of NAMS (India) held on 21-23 October, 2016 at AIIMS, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
a. National Symposium on Tobacco or Health: Make Better Choice [Presentations] held on 21st October, 2016 at Raipur, Chhattisgarh

1. Historical background, Plant Introduction & toxicological overview by Dr. Krishnadutt Chavali, Professor, AIIMS, Raipur (Presentation File)
2. Overview of epidemiology and hazard of tobacco use by Dr. Krishnan Anand, Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi (Presentation File)
3. Pathological effects of Tobacco use by Dr. Ravi Mehrotra, Director, Institute of Cytology & Preventive Oncology, Noida (Presentation File)
4. Imaging of complications of tobacco consumption: Radiologists Perspective by Dr. Deep Narayan Srivastava, Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi (Presentation File)
5. Tobacco & Bone Health by Dr. Alok C. Agrawal, Professor, AIIMS, Raipur (Presentation File)
6. Health Hazards of Tobacco smoking requiring Surgical intervention by Dr. Sanjeev Misra, Director, AIIMS, Jodhpur (Presentation File)
7. Health Hazards of Tobacco chewing requiring surgical intervention by Dr. Nitin M. Nagarkar, Director, AIIMS Raipur (Presentation File)
8. Radiotherapy in Tobacco related lesion by Dr. Siddarth Nanda, Associate Professor, AIIMS, Raipur (Presentation File)
9. Management of Tobacco Dependence by Dr. Lokesh Kumar Singh, Associate Professor, AIIMS, Raipur (Presentation File)
10. Management of Tobacco Dependence by Dr. S.P. Dhaneria, Professor, AIIMS, Raipur (Presentation File)
11. Post Symposium Evaluation (Presentation File)
12. Detailed Symposium Report (PDF File)

04. NAMS-NFI Symposium on "MDG: Lessons Learnt and Way Forward to SDG" held on 27th November, 2015 at Kamla Raheja Auditorium, J.S. Bajaj Centre for Multi-professional Education, NAMS House, Ansari Nagar, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi.
a. Message by Prof. J.S. Bajaj, Emeritus President, NAMS (PDF File)
b. Maternal and Child Mortaility: 1990-2015 and Projections 2030 by Dr. C. Chandramouli, Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (PDF File)
c. Child Health: Progress 1990-2015 & Universal Health Coverage by 2030 by Dr. Vinod Paul, Prof and HoD, Dept. of Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi (PDF File)
d. Maternal Health: Progress 1990-2015 and onwards to 2030 by Dr. K. Kalaivani, Consultant, NFI, New Delhi (PDF File)
e. Tackling Micro-nutrient Deficiencies 1990-2015 and onward to 2030 by Dr. R. Sankar, Senior Adviser, Tata Trusts (PDF File)
f. India's Jouney in the Prevention of HIV Infection: 1990-2015 and onward to 2030 by Dr. Yujwal Raj, Epidemiologist and Public Health Management Specialist (PDF File)
g. Transition from MDG to SDG: India's Challenges and Opportunities by Dr. Prema Ramachandran (PDF File)

05. Research in Medical Education : Annals 51(1&2) dated 01-05-2015 by Prof. J.S. Bajaj, Emeritus Professor, NAMS on - Evolving Paradigm between CME Program and Continuing Professional Development (PDF File)

06. Nursing Care of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type -II by Dr. Geeta Sharma, Director-Principal SGRDIMSAR, Amritsar : Learning Resource Material, dated 27 April, 2015 (PDF File)

07. NAMS-AIIMS Symposium held on 6-7th April, 2015 organised by Deptt. of Community Medicine & Family Medicine, AIIMS Jodhpur

05a. Food Safety : (PDF File)
05b. Food Security : (Video Scripts)

08. Emerging Epidemic of Obesity : NAMS Regional Symposium on 12th March, 2015 held at AIIMS, Jodhpur on - Causes, concerns and consequence (PDF File)

09. NAMS National Symposium on Harmful Effects of Alcohol on 30th January, 2015 at AIIMS, Jodhpur

09a. Need for Evidence Based National Policy (PDF File)
09b. Need for Evidence Based National Policy (Video Scripts)
09c. Scientific Report on Validation of Contents (PDF File)

10. NAMSCON-2014 : 54th Annual Conference of NAMS (India) held on 17-19 October, 2014 at Medical College Building, AIIMS, Rishikesh

10a. Harmful Effects of Alcohol Consumption: Need for Evidence-based National Policy - Conference Proceedings Report (PDF File)
10b. NAMS National Symposium on 'Harmful Effects of Alcohol Consumption: Need for Evidence-based National Policy' - Scientific Report (PDF File)

11. NAMS (India) Regional Symposium / CME Programme on Inflamatory Bowel Disease for General Physicians held on 7th September, 2014 at Government Medical College, Chandigargh

11a. Historical aspects of IBD : Indian Perspective by Prof. Y.K. Chawla, Director PGIMER, Chandigarh - (PDF File)
11b. Clinical Presentation of IBD : Differences from other GI Disorders by Prof. Atul Sachdev, Director-Principal GMCH - (PDF File)
11c. Etiopathogenesis of IBD: Relevance for therapy and screening by Dr. Pradeep Siddappa, Gastroenterology, PGIMER - (PDF File)
11d. Extraintestinal presentations of IBD: What they imply by Dr. Anurag Jindal, Assistant Professor, Gastroenterology, DMCH - (PDF File)
11e. Emergencies in IBD: Identification and Management by Prof. Rajoo Singh, Professor, Gastroenterology, DMCH, Ludhiana - (PDF File)
11f. Radiology in IBD : Current role : when and what by Dr. Naveen Kalra, Associate Professor, Radiodiagnosis, PGIMER - (PDF File)
11g. Endoscopy: How far can you go by Dr. Dr. Surinder Rana, Associate Professor, Gastroenterology, PGIMER - (PDF File)
11h. Clinco-Pathological Conference - Clinical Protocol by Prof. Atul Sachdeva, Director-Principal, GMCH - (PDF File)
11i. Clinco-Pathological Conference - Pathological Protocol by Prof. Kim Vaiphei, Professor of Pathologu, PGIMER - (PDF File)
11j. Basic Management by Prof. Deepak Bhasin, Professor, PGIMER - (PDF File)
11k. Biologicals and Novel Therapeutic Regimes by Dr. SK Sinha, Associate Professor, Gastroenterology, PGIMER - (PDF File)
11l. Surgery in IBD by Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Additional Professor, Department of General Surgery - (PDF File)
11m. Inter-active session on IBD by Panellists: - Prof. Atul Sachdev, Prof. Rajoo Singh, Dr. SK Sinha - (PDF File)

12. NAMS Regional Symposium on Neurotology on August 10, 2014 held at Madras Medical College, Chennai

12a. Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMPs) Its Indication & Current Status : Presentation by Dr. Sathya Murali, ENT Surgeon (PDF File)
12b. Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMPs) : Discussion Paper by Dr. Sathya Murali, ENT Surgeon (PDF File)
12c. Video Oculography Clinical Applications : Presentation by Dr. Sathya Murali, ENT Surgeon (PDF File)
12d. Vertigo-Neurophysician's Perspectives : Presentation by Prof. A.V. Srinivasan (PDF File)
12e. Vestibular System Anatomy and Physiology : Presentation by Prof. (Dr.) M.K. Rajsekhar (PDF File)
12f. Electro Diagnostic Tests for Vertigo : Presentation by Prof. G. Selvarajan (PDF File)
12g. Management of Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors : Presentation by Dr. M.C. Vasudevan (PDF File)
12h. Clinical Evaluation in Patients of Vertigo/Imbalance : Presentation by Dr. Anirban Biswas (PDF File)

13. NAMS Regional Symposium on Development of Pre-hospital Response to Disasters and Medical Emergencies held on May 24, 2014 at AIIMS, Patna

14. NAMS AIIMS Rishikesh CME on Acute Ischemic Stroke: Basics to Advances on January 10, 2014 held at AIIMS, Rishikesh - CME Symposium on Spina bifida (Video Scripts)

15. Sleep Medicine - Handbook of Learning Resource Material 2013 held on 06 December, 2013 - CME Symposium on Sleep Medicine (PDF File)

16. NAMSCON 2013 : 53rd Annual Conference of NAMS (India) held on 25-27 October, 2013

16a. NAMSCON-2013 Convocation Address by Prof. J.S. Bajaj (PDF File)
16b. NAMSCON-2013 Convocation Address by Dr. R. Chidambaram (PDF File)
16c. Handbook of LRM for Sleep Medicine (PDF File)
16d. Souvenir with Abstracts of Posters Presentations by Delegates (PDF File)
16e. Abstract Book of Orations and Awards Papers (PDF File)

17. NAMSCON 2013 : 53rd Annual Conference - NAMS CME on Sleep Medicine held on 25th October, 2013

a. Physiology of Normal Sleep: From Young to Old by Dr. V. Mohan Kumar (PDF File)
b. Pharmacology of Sleep by Dr. K.K. Sharma (PDF File)
c. Quality in Life of Patients Obstructive Sleep Apnea by Dr. Naveen Dutt (PDF File)
d. Sleep Disordered Breathing: OSA, CSA, Pathophysiology and Diagnosis by Dr. V.K. Vijayan (PDF File)
e. Endocrine & Metabolic Aspects: Obstructive Sleep Apnea by Dr. R. Goswami (PDF File)
f. Co-Morbidities Associated with OSA by Dr. V.K. Vijayan (PDF File)
g. Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea by Dr. Rajeshwar Dayal (PDF File)
h. Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea by Dr. Dr. V.K. Vijayan(PDF File)
i. Sleep & Stroke by Dr. M.V. Padma Srivastava (PDF File)
j. Sleep in Epilepsy by Dr. Kurupath Radhakrishnan(PDF File)
k. Causes of Hypersomnia Narcolepsy by Dr. M.V. Padma Srivastava (PDF File)
l. Sleep-Endocrinology by Dr. R. Goswami(PDF File)

18. NAMS AIIMS Rishikesh CME on Spina Bifida on April 27, 2013 held at AIIMS, Rishikesh - CME Symposium on Spina bifida (Video Scripts)

19. NAMS-NFI Symposium on Micronutrients Deficiencies on March 20, 2013 by Dr. JS Bajaj, Emeritus Professor, NAMS - (PDF File)

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